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Bibliographic Material

This bibliography should be considered a work progress. Is your favorite work missing from the list? Email Karen A. Cerulo at Give her the citation you’d like to add, a 1-2 sentence description of the book, and the category in which it best fits. This list will be updated yearly, making it a ready resource for culture and cognition scholars.

Works are organized under the following headings:

- A-F -
- G-P -
- R-Z -

Art & Literature
The Body
The Body and Communication
Bridges to Cognitive Science



Discourse and Rhetoric
Embodied Cognition
Frames, Schemas, and Representations

General Sources
Human Rights
Language & Talk
Perceptual Filters
Political Culture

Semiotics – Empirical
Semiotics – Theory
The Senses
Small Groups
Social Cognition
Symbol Systems
Time Perspective

General Sources

Bergesen, Albert. 2005. "Culture and Cognition." Pp. 35-47 in Mark D. Jacobs and Nancy Weiss Hanrahan (eds.), The Blackwell Companion To The Sociology of Culture. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.

_____. 2004. "“Durkheim’s Theory of Mental Categories: A Review of the Evidence.”  Annual Review of Sociology 30: 395-408.

_____. 2004. "Culture and Cognition." The Blackwell companion to the sociology of culture: 35-55.

Brekhus, Wayne H. 2015. Culture and Cognition: Patterns in the Social Construction of Reality. Cambridge UK/Malden, MA: Polity.

Carley, Kathleen M.  1989.  “The Value of Cognitive Foundations for Dynamic Social Theory.”   The Journal of Mathematical Sociology 14: 171-208.

Cerulo, Karen A. 2002.  Culture in Mind: Toward a Sociology of Culture and Cognition.  New York/London: Routledge.

_____. 2010. "Mining the Intersections of Cognitive Sociology and Neurosceince." Poetics 38: 2: 115-132.

_____. 2016. “Cognition and Cultural Sociology: The Inside and Outside of Thought.” Pp. 116-130 in D. Inglis (ed.), The Sage Handbook of Cultural Sociology. London: Sage

DiMaggio, Paul.  1997.  “Culture and Cognition.”  Annual Review of Sociology 23:  263-287.

_____.  2002.  “Why Cognitive (and Cultural) Sociology Needs Cognitive Psychology.”  Pp. 274-281 in Karen A. Cerulo (ed.), Culture in Mind: Toward a Sociology of Culture and Cognition.  New York: Routledge.

Howard, Judith A. and Daniel G. Renfrow. 2006. "Social cognition." Handbook of social psychology. Springer US: 259-281.

Ignatow, Gabriel. 2007. "Theories of embodied knowledge: new directions for cultural and cognitive sociology?" Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior 37: 2: 115-135.

Lizardo, Omar. 2017. "Improving Cultural Analysis Considering Personal Culture in its Declarative and Nondeclarative Modes." American Sociological Review 82(1):88-115.

_____. 2013. "Culture and Cognition." International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. E lsevier.

_____. 2004.  “The Cognitive Origins of Bourdieu's Habitus.”  Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 34: 375-401.

Raphael, Michael W. 2017. “Cognitive Sociology.” Oxford Bibliographies Online in Sociology. New York: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/obo/9780199756384-0187.

Swidler, Ann.  1986.  “Culture in Action: Symbols and Strategies.” American Sociological Review 51: 273-286.

Special Section--Sociological Forum V29 N4: 982-1019: "What Should a Sociology of Culture and Cognition Look Like?"

-Introduction: Karen A. Cerulo, Rutgers University

-Beyond the Comtean Schema: The Sociology of Culture and Cognition versus Cognitive Social Science: Omar Lizardo, University of Notre Dame

-Ontology and Method in Cognitive Sociology: Gabe Ignatow, University of North Texas

-Cautionary Notes on Navigating the Neurocognitive Turn: Victoria Pitts-Taylor, Wesleyan University

-The Study of Culture and Cognition: Karen Danna, Lafayette College

-What a sociology of culture and cognition should look like: A process-based account of culture: Hana Shepard, Rutgers Uiversity

-Continuing the Story: Maximizing the Intersections of Cognitive Science and Sociology: Karen A. Cerulo, Rutgers University

Sun, Ron (ed.). 2012. Grounding Social Sciences in Cognitive Sciences. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Thornton, Patricia H., William Ocasio, and Michael Lounsbury 2012. The Institutional Logics Perspective: A New Approach to Culture, Structure and Process, Oxford University Press.

Zerubavel, Eviatar.  1997.  Social Mindscapes: An Invitation to Cognitive Sociology.  Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.



Art & Literature

Armstrong, Elizabeth A. and Weinberg, Martin S.  2006.  “Identity and Competence: The Use of Culture in the Interpretation of Sexual Images.”  Sociological Perspectives 49: 411-32.

Becker, Howard S.  1982.  Art Worlds.  Berkeley: University of California Press.

_____.  2000.  “A Linguistic Model of Art History” Poetics 28: 73-90.

_____.  2006.  The Baroque Sneaker:  How the History of the Tennis Shoe Recapitulates
Giorgio Vasari's Life Cycle of Art Styles.
Pp. 9-40 in Albert J. Bergesen (ed.),
The Depth of Shallow Culture:  The High Art of Shoes, Movies, Novels, Monsters
and Toys
Boulder:  Paradigm Publications.

_____.  2006.  Bringing the Art Object Back In:  Toward a New Realism in the Sociology
of Culture.
 Pp. 105-117 in Albert J. Bergesen (ed.), The Depth of Shallow Culture:  The High Art of Shoes, Movies, Novels, Monsters and ToysBoulder:  Paradigm Publications.

_____.  2006.  Rambo and Don Quixote:  Cultural Icons of National Decline." Pp. 41-61 in Albert J. Bergesen (ed.), The Depth of Shallow Culture:  The High Art of Shoes, Movies, Novels, Monsters and ToysBoulder:  Paradigm Publications.

_____.  2006.  A Sociology of Monsters:  Making Mythical Creatures in the United States
and Japan.
”  Pps. 63-85 in Albert J. Bergesen (ed.), The Depth of Shallow Culture: 
The High Art of Shoes, Movies, Novels, Monsters and Toys
Boulder:  Paradigm Publications.

_____.  2006.  A Sociology of Toys:  How Transformers and Spiderman Embody the Philosophies of East and West. Pp. 87-104 in Albert J. Bergesen (ed.), The Depth
of Shallow Culture:  The High Art of Shoes, Movies, Novels, Monsters and Toys
Boulder:  Paradigm Publications.

_____. 2016. “How to Sociologically Read a Movie.” The Sociological Quarterly. Volume 57: 585-596.

Bergesen, Albert J. and Greeley, Andrew M.  2000.  God in the Movies.  New Brunswick, NJ:  Transaction Publishers.

Corse, Sarah M.  1997.  Nationalism and Literature: The Politics of Culture in Canda
and the United States
.  New York: Cambridge University Press.

Griswold, Wendy.  1986.  Renaissance Revivals: City Comedy and Revenge Tragedy in
the London Theatre 1576-1980
. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

_____.  1987.  “A Methodological Framework for the Study of Culture.”  Sociological Methodology 17: 1-35.

_____.  1993.  “Recent Moves in the Sociology of Literature.” Annual Review of  
19: 455-67.

_____.  2000.  Bearing Witness: Readers, Writers, and the Novel in Nigeria.  Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Hakke, Hans.  1975. Framed and Being Framed.  New York: New York University Press.

Linenthal, Edward, Jonathan Hyman, & Christiane Gruber 2013. The Landscapes Of 9/11: A Photographer’s Journey. University Of Texas Press.

Southgate, Darby E. and Roscigno, Vincent J.  2009.  The Impact of Music on Childhood
and Adolscent Achievement.
 Social Science Quarterly  90(1): 4-21.


Attention and Inattention

Brekhus, Wayne H. 1998. “A Sociology of the Unmarked: Redirecting our Focus.” Sociological Theory 16: 34-51.

Cerulo, Karen A.  1988.  “What's Wrong With This Picture?: Enhancing Communication Effectiveness through Syntactic or Semantic Distortion.” Communication Research 15(1): 93-101.

_____.  1995.  “Designs on the White House: TV Ads, Message Structure, and Election Outcome”  Research in Political Sociology  7: 63-88.

Cooley, Charles Horton.  [1909] 1962.  Social Organization: A Larger Study of the Mind. New York: Schocken.

Durkheim, Emile.  [1912] 1995.  The Elementary Forms of Religious Life. New York:
The Free Press.

_____.  [1933] 1964.  The Division of Labor in Society. New York: Free Press.

Garfinkel, Harold.  [1964] 1967.  “Studies of the Routine Grounds of Everyday Activities.”
Pp. 35-75 in Studies in Ethnomethodology. Oxford, England: Polity.

Gerth, Hans H. and Mills, C. Wright. (eds.) 1946. From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology. New York: Oxford University Press.

Goffman, Erving.  1963.  Behavior in Public Places. New York: Free Press.

Leschziner, Vanina.  2007.  “Kitchen Stories: Patterns of Recognition in Contemporary High Cuisine.” Sociological Forum 22: 77-101.

Schutz, Alfred.  1951.  “Making Music Together: A Study in Social Relationship.”  Social Research 18: 76-97.

Stinchcombe, Arthur S. and Heimer, Carol A.  2000.  “Retooling for the Next Century:
Sober Methods for Studying the Subconscious.”  Contemporary Sociology 29(2): 309-19.

Tucker, Robert C. (ed.)  1978.  The Marx-Engels Reader.  New York: W.W. Norton.

Zerubavel, Eviatar.  2006.  The Elephant in the Room: Silence and Denial in Everyday
.  New York: Oxford University Press. 


The Body

Brooks, Jo Ann. 2017. "Cognition and Organizational Communication." Pp. 269-279 in Craig R. Scott, Laurie Lewis, James R. Barker, Joann Keyton, Timothy Kuhn & Paige K. Turner (eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Organizational Communication, vol. I. Malden, MA: John Wiley & Sons.

Cerulo, Karen A. 2019. “Embodied Cognition: Sociology’s Role in Bridging Mind, Brain and Body.” In W. Brekhus and G. Ignatow (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Sociology. New York: Oxford University Press.

Krpič, Tomaž.  2008.  Cognitive Body Agency. International Journal of the Humanities 5(10): 141-148.  

McDonnell, Terence E. 2016. Best Laid Plans: Cultural Entropy and the Unraveling of AIDS Media Campaigns. University of Chicago Press.

Pagis, Michal. 2009. “Embodied Self-Reflexivity.” Social Psychology Quarterly 72: 3: 265-283.

Pitts-Taylor, Victoria. 2016. The Brain's Body: Neuroscience and Corporeal Politics. Duke University Press.


The Body and Communication

Cerulo, Karen A. 2018. “Scents and Sensibility: Olfaction, Sense-making and Meaning Attribution.” American Sociological Review 83: 2: 361-389.

Copes, Heith, Hochstetler, Andy and Williams, J. Patrick.  2008.   We Weren't Like No Regular Dope Fiends:  Negotiating Hustler and Crackhead Identities.  Social Problems  55(2): 254-270.

_____. 2015. "The Embodied Mind: Building on Wacquant’s Carnal Sociology." Qualitative Sociology 38: 1: 33-38.

Gieryn, Thomas F.  1983.  “Boundary-Work and the Demarcation of Science from Non-Science: Strains and Interests in Professional Ideologies of Scientists.”  
American Sociological Review
48: 781-95.

_____.  1999.  Cultural Boundaries of Science: Credibility on the Line. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press.

  Ignatow, Gabriel.  2009.  “Culture and Embodied Cognition: Moral Discourses in Internet
Support Groups for Overeaters.” Social Forces (forthcoming).

  _____.  2009.  “Why the Sociology of Morality Needs Bourdieu's Habitus.” Sociological

Lamont, Michele (ed.).  1999.  The Cultural Territories of Race: Black and White Boundaries. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.

Lamont, Michele and Molnar, Virag.  2002.  “The Study of Boundaries across the Social Sciences.”  Annual Review of Sociology 28: 167-195.

Leschziner, Vanina, and Adam Isaiah Green. 2013. “Thinking about Food and Sex: Deliberate Cognition in the Routine Practices of a Field.” Sociological Theory 31(2):116–44.

Pagis, Michal. 2010. "Producing intersubjectivity in silence: An ethnographic study of meditation practice." Ethnography11(2): 309-328.

Schwarz, Ori. 2015. "The Sound of Stigmatization: Sonic Habitus, Sonic Styles, and Boundary Work in an Urban Slum." American Journal of Sociology 121(1): 205-242.

Snow, David and Anderson, Leon.  1987.  “Identity Work among the Homeless: The
Verbal Construction and Avowal of Personal Identities.”  American Journal of Sociology 92: 1336-71.

Snow, David and McAdam, Douglas.  2000.  “Identity Work Processes in the Context of Social Movements: Clarifying the Identity Movement Nexus.” Pp. 41-67 in Sheldon Stryker, Timothy J. Owens, and Robert W. White (eds.), Self, Identity, and Social Movements.  Minneapolis, MN: University of Minneapolis Press.

Stein, Arlene.  2001.  The Stranger Next Door: The Story of a Small Community's Battle over Sex, Faith, and Civil Rights. Boston: Beacon Press.

Vannini, Phillip, Dennis Waskul and Simon Gottschalk. 2013. The Senses in Self, Society and Culture. New York: Routledge.

Winchester, Daniel. 2008. "Embodying the faith: Religious practice and the making of a Muslim moral habitus." Social Forces 86: 4: 1753-1780.

_____. 2016. "A Hunger for God: Embodied Metaphor as Cultural Cognition in Action." Social Forces 95: 2:585-606.

Zerubavel, Eviatar.  1991.  The Fine Line: Making Distinctions in Everyday Life
New York
: Free Press.




Al-Khawaja, Jasem M.A.  1997.  “Clinical Descriptions of Children’s Anxiety during the
Gulf War.”  Psychological Reports  80: 733-34.


Argyle, Michael and Trower, Peter.  1979.  Person to Person: Ways of Communicating.  New York: Harper and Row.


Aronoff, Joel, Woike, Barbara A. and Hyman, Lester M.  1992.  “Which are the Stimuli in Facial Displays of Anger and Happiness?: Configurational Bases of Emotion Recognition.”  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 62: 1050-1066.


Birdwhistell, Ray L.  1970.  Kinesics and Context.  Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania Press.


Boyd, Stephen D.  1996.  “What’s a Body to Do?”  Public Management 78: 25-27.


Bremmer, Jan and Roosenburg, Herman.  1991.  A Cultural History of Gesture.  Ithaca: Cornell University Press.


Copes, Heith,  Hochstetler, Andy and J. Patrick Williams. 2008. “ ‘We Weren't Like No Regular Dope Fiends:’ Negotiating Hustler and Crackhead Identities.”  Social Problems 55(2):254-270.


Ekman, Paul.  1982.  Emotion in the Human Face. Second Edition. New York: Cambridge.


_____.   1985.  Telling Lies. New York: W. W. Norton.


_____.   1993.  “Facial Expression and Emotion.”  American Psychologist  48: 384-92.


_____.   1997.  “Silver-Tongue Sleuthing.”  American Legion Magazine 142: 5: 32-33+.


_____.   1997.  What The Face Reveals: Basic and Applied Studies of Spontaneous Expression Using the Facial Action. New York: Oxford.


Feldman, Robert S.  1992.  Applications of Nonverbal Behavioral Theories and Research.  Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum Associates.


Hall, Edward.T.  1959.  The Silent Language. Greenwich, CT: Fawcett Publ.


_____.  1974.  Handbook for Proxemic Research. Washington, DC: Society for the Anthropology of Visual Communication.


Harquail, Celia V., and Adelaide Wilcox King. 2010. "Construing Organizational Identity: The Role of Embodied Cognition." Organization Studies 31: 1619-1648.


Ignatow, Gabriel.  2009.  “Culture and Embodied Cognition: Moral Discourses in Internet Support Groups for Overeaters.” Social Forces (forthcoming)


Jones, David.  1998.  “Daedalus: Penetrating Gaze.”  Nature 392: 6678: 764.


Jourdan, Julien, Durand, Rodolphe, and Thornton, Patricia H. 2017. “The Price of Admission: Organizational Deference as Strategic Behavior,” American Journal of Sociology, 123(1): 232-275.


Klein, Richard B.  1995.  “Winning Cases with Body Language: Moving Toward Courtroom Success.”  Trial 31: 82-85.


Knapp, Mark L., Cody, Michael J., and Reardon, Kathleen K.  1987.  “Nonverbal Signals.” Pp. 385-418 in C. Berger and S. Chaffee (eds.), Handbook of Communication
.  Newbury Park: Sage Publications.


Koschmann, Matthew A., & James McDonald. 2015. "Organizational Rituals, Communication, and the Question of Agency." Management Communication Quarterly 29: 229-256


Mazur, Allan; Rosa, Eugene; Faupel, Mark; Heller, Joshua; Leen, Russell; and Thurman, Blake.  1980.  “Physiological Aspects of Communication via Mutual Gaze.” American Journal of Sociology 86: 50-74.


Meijer, Marco de.  1991.  Emotional Meaning in Large Body Movements. The
Netherlands: Tilburg.


Murzynski, Jennifer and Degelman, Douglas.  1996.  “Body Language of Women and Judgments of Vulnerability to Sexual Assault”  Journal of Applied Social Psychology
26: 1617-26.


Robinson, Jeffrey D.  1998.  “Getting Down to Business: Talk, Gaze, and Body Orientation during Openings of Doctor-Patient Consultation.” Human Communication Research 25(1): 97-123.


Siminoff, Laura A., Erlen, Judith A., and Sereika, Susan.  1998.  “Do Nurses Avoid AIDS Patients?”  AIDS Care 10(2): 147-163.


Smith, Herman W.  1981.  “Territorial Spacing on a Beach Revisited: A Cross National Exploration.”  Social Psychology Quarterly  44: 132-37.


Sommer, Robert.  1969.  Personal Space: the Behavioral Basis of Design.Englewood
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.


Spangler, Lori.  1995.  “Gender-Specific Nonverbal Communication Impact for Speaker Effectiveness.”  Human Resource Development Quarterly 6: 4: 409-19.


Spitz, Herman H.  1997.  Nonconscious Movements: From Mystical Messages to Facilitated Communications. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.


Sternberg, Les.  1991.  Functional Communication. New York: Springer-Verlag.


Vila-Henninger, Luis Antonio. 2015. "Understanding Symbolic Boundaries and Improving Quantitative Analysis of Social Exclusion by Improving the Operationalization of Boundary Work." Sociology Compass 9(12):1025–1035.


Zimmerman, J.D.  1996.  “A Prosocial Media Strategy: Youth Against Violence: Choose
To De-Fuse.” American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 66(3): 354-62.


Zukin, Sharon.  1991.  Landscapes of Power: From Detroit to Disney World. Berkeley:
of California



Bridges to Cognitive Science

  Bergesen, Albert J.  2005.  “Culture and Cognition.”  Pp. 35-47 in Mark D. Jacobs and Nancy Weiss Hanrahan (eds.), The Blackwell Companion To The Sociology of Culture.  Malden MA.:  Blackwell Publishing.

Carley, Kathleen.  1986.  “An Approach for Relating Social-Structure to Cognitive Structure.”  Journal of Mathematical Sociology 12: 2: 137-89.

_____.  1989.  “The Value of Cognitive Foundations for Dynamic Social-Theory.”  Journal of Mathematical Sociology 15(3-4): 171-208.

Cerulo, Karen. A.  2002.  Culture in Mind: Towards a Sociology of Culture and Cognition. New York/London: Routledge.

_____.  2006.  Never Saw It Coming: Cultural Challenges to Envisioning the Worst.  Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

_____. 2018. “Scents and Sensibility: Olfaction, Sense-making and Meaning Attribution.” American Sociological Review 83: 2: 361-389.

  Danna Lynch, Karen.  2009.  Objects, Meanings, and Role-Identities: The Practices that Establish Association in the Case of Home-Based Employment.”  Sociological Forum 24(1): 76-103.

D’Andrade, Roy G.  1995.  The Development of Cognitive Anthropology. New York: Cambridge University Press.

DiMaggio, Paul.  1997.  “Culture and Cognition.” Annual Review of Sociology 23: 263-87.

Franks, David D.  2003.  “Mutual Interests, Different Lenses: Current Neuroscience and Symbolic Interaction” Symbolic Interaction  26(4): 613-30.

Hammond, Michael.  2003.  “The Enhancement Imperative: The Evolutionary Neurophysiology of Durkheimian Solidarity.”  Sociological Theory 21(4): 359-74.

 Ignatow, Gabriel.  2007.  “Theories of Embodied Knowledge: New Directions for Cultural and Cognitive Sociology?” Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior 37(2): 1-21.

Leschziner, Vanina and Andrew Dakin. 2011. “Theorizing Cuisine from Medieval to Modern Times: Cognitive Structures, the Biology of Taste, and Culinary Conventions.” Collapse: Philosophical Research and Development VII: 347-376.

Leschziner, Vanina and Gordon Brett. 2019. "Beyond Two Minds: Cognitive, Embodied, and Evaluative Processes in Creativity." Social Psychology Quarterly: forthcoming. 

Leschziner, Vanina. 2019. "Dual Process Models in Sociology. Pp. 169-191 in Wayne H. Brekhus and Gabe Ignatow (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Sociology. New York: Oxford University Press.

Lizardo, Omar, Robert Mowry, Brandon Sepulvado, Dustin S. Stoltz, Marshall A. Taylor, Justin Van Ness and Michael Lee Wood. 2016. “What are dual process models? Implications for cultural analysis in sociology.” Sociological Theory 34(4): 287-310.

Markus, Hazel and Zajonc, Robert B.  1985.  “The Cognitive Perspective in Social Psychology.” Pp.137-230 in Gardner Lindzey and Elliot Aronson (eds.), The Handbook of Social Psychology.  New York: Random House.

Mobasseri, Sanaz, Amir Goldberg, and Sameer B. Srivastava. Forthcoming. “What is Cultural Fit? From Cognition to Behavior (and Back).” In W. Brekhus and G. Ignatow (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Sociology. New York: Oxford University Press.

Pitts-Taylor, Victoria. 2014. “Cautionary Notes on Navigating the Neurocognitive Turn.” Sociological Forum 29(4):995–1000.

_____. 2016. The Brain’s Body: Neuroscience and Corporal Politics. Durham: Duke University Press.

Schwartz, Norbert.  1998. “Warmer and More Social: Recent Developments in Cognitive Social Psychology”  Annual Review of Sociology 24: 239-264.

Sepulvado, Brandon and Omar Lizardo. 2017. “Cognitive sociology in France.” American Sociologist 48(3-4): 366-381.

Shaw, Lynette. 2015. "Mechanics and Dynamics of Social Construction: Modeling the Emergence of Culture from Individual Mental Representation." Poetics 52:75-90.

Shepherd, Hana. 2019. “Methods for Studying the Contextual Nature of Implicit Cognition.” Eds. W. Brekhus and G. Ignatow, Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Sociology.

Shepherd, Hana. 2011. “The Cultural Context of Cognition: What the Implicit Association Test Tells Us About How Culture Works.” Sociological Forum 26: 121-143.

Shepherd, Hana and Emily Marshall. 2018. “The Implicit Activation Mechanism of Culture: A Survey Experiment on Associations with Childbearing.” Poetics 69: 1-14.

Spackman, Jonathan S. and Stephen C. Yanchar. 2013. Émbodied Cognition, Representationalism, and Mechanism: A Review and Analysis.” Journal of the Theory of Social Behavior 44(1):46-79.

Srivastava, Sameer B. and Mahzarin R. Banaji. 2011. “Culture, Cognition, and Collaborative Networks in Organizations.” American Sociological Review. 76: 207-233.

Stoltz, Dustin S. and Omar Lizardo. 2018. “Deliberate trust and intuitive faith: A dual-process model of reliance.” Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour. 48(2): 230-250.

Taylor, Marshall A., Dustin S. Stoltz, and Terence E. McDonnell. 2019. “Binding Significance to Form: Cultural Objects, Cognition, and Cultural Change.” Poetics. 73(1): 1-16.

Vaisey, Stephen.  2008.  “Socrates, Skinner, and Aristotle: Three Ways of Thinking About Culture in Action.”  Sociological Forum 23(3):603-613.


_____. 2009. "Motivation and Justification: A Dual-Process Model of Culture in Action." American Journal of Sociology 114: 1675-1715.


Categories and Conceptualizations

Aho, James.  1994.  This Thing of Darkness: A Sociology of the Enemy. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press.

Luhmann, Niklas.  1997.  “Globalization or World Society: How to Conceive of Modern Society.”  Revue Internationale de Sociologie 7: 1: 67-79.

Bergesen, Albert J.  2004.  “Durkheim’s theory of Mental Categories: A Review of the Evidence.”  Annual Review of Sociology 30: 395-408.

Boutyline, Andrei and Stephen Vaisey. 2017. "Belief Network Analysis: A Relational Approach to Understanding the Structure of Attitudes." American Journal of Sociology 122: 1371-1447.

Cerulo, Karen A.   2002.  “Individualism Pro Tem: Reconsidering U.S. Social Relations.” 
Pp. 135-171 in Karen A. Cerulo (ed.), Culture In Mind: Toward a Sociology of Culture and Cognition.New York: Routledge.

_____.  2006.  Never Saw It Coming: Cultural Challenges to Conceptualizing the Worst. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Durand, Rodolphe and Patricia H. Thornton, 2018. “Categorizing Institutional Logics, Institutionalizing Categories: A Review of Two Literatures,” Academy of Management Annals, 12(2): 1-27.

Hirschfeld, Lawrence A. and Gelman, Susan A. (eds.)  1994.  Mapping the Mind: Domain Specificity in Cognition and Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Koselleck, Reinhart.  2002.  The Practice of Conceptual History: Timing History,
Spacing Concepts
. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Leschziner, Vanina. 2015. At the Chef's Table: Culinary Creativity in Elite Restaurants. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Leschziner, Vanina and Andrew Dakin. 2011. “Theorizing Cuisine from Medieval to Modern Times: Cognitive Structures, the Biology of Taste, and Culinary Conventions.” Collapse: Philosophical Research and Development VII: 347-376.

Martin, John Levi.  2000.  “The Relation of Aggregate Statistics on Belief to Culture and Cognition.”  Poetics 28: 5-20.

Steensland, Brian.  2006.  “Cultural Categories and the American Welfare State: The Case
of Guaranteed Income Policy.”  American Journal of Sociology 111: 5:

Stinchecombe, Arthur L.  1982.  “The Deep Structure of Moral Categories, Eighteenth
Century French Stratification, and the Revolution.” Pp. 66-95 in
Ino Rossi (ed.),
Structural Sociology
.  New  YorkColumbia University Press.  



Auyero, Javier and Débora A. Swistun. 2008. “The Social Production of Toxic Uncertainty.” American Sociological Review 73: 3: 357-79.

Bernstein, Basil.  1970.  Class, Codes, and Control. Volume 1: Theoretical Studies Towards a Sociology of Language.  London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.

Bourdieu, Pierre.  1996.  The State Nobility.  Translated by Lauretta C. Clough. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Douglas, Mary.  1978.  Thought Styles. London: Sage.

Guzmán, Sebastián G. 2013. “Reasons and the Acceptance of Authoritative Speech an Empirically Grounded Synthesis of Habermas and Bourdieu.” Sociological Theory 31: 3: 267-289.

_____. 2015. “‘Should I Trust the Bank or the Social Movement?’ Motivated Reasoning and Debtors' Work to Accept Misinformation.” Sociological Forum 30: 4: 900-924.

Martin, John Levi.  2002.  “Power, Authority, and the Constraint of Belief Systems.” American Journal of Sociology 107: 861-904.

Pitts-Taylor, Victoria. 2019. "Neurobiologically Poor? Brain Phenotypes, Inequality, and Biosocial Determinism." Science, Technology, and Human Values.

Prasad, Monica, Andrew J. Perrin, Kieran Bezila, Steve G. Hoffman, Kate Kindleberger, Kim Manturuk and Ashleigh S. Powers. 2009. “‘There Must Be a Reason:’ Osama, Saddam, and Inferred Justification.” Sociological Inquiry 79: 2: 142-162.

Schwartz, Barry.  1981.  Vertical Classification: A Study in Structuralism and the Sociology of Knowledge. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.




Bourdieu. Pierre.  1984.  Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Derrida, Jacques.  1981.  Disseminations. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.

Foucault, Michel.  1971.  The Order of Things: An Archeology of Human Sciences. New York: Pantheon.

Jacob, Elin K. 2004. "Classification and Categorization: A Difference that Makes a Difference." Library Trends 52: 515-540.

Lampland, Martha, and Susan Leigh Star (eds.). 2009. Standards and Their Stories: How Quantifying, Classifying, and Formalizing Practices Shape Everyday Life. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press

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